For this month's Meet a Redeye Member we catch up with Jan Fyfe.
How did you get into photography?
I have been interested in photography since my teenage years and dabbled in a number of short photographic courses in my early 20s. Photography then took a back seat until 10 years ago when I went back to college to do a basic photo course and became hooked once more. I followed this with an A Level, a BA and then an MA in 2011. I am presently studying for a practice-led PhD at MMU.
What inspires you?
The work of Jem Southam, John Blakemore and David Hockney.
Who or what would you most like to photograph?
The landscape.
Would you like to tell us about a project you are currently working on?
My current work makes use of the method of repeat landscape photography to investigate themes of multiple and shifting perspectives, the question of observational techniques, spatial depth and the representation of time in the photographic image. Using a home-made multi-pinhole camera I am investigating photographic layering techniques to produce images that suggest distortion and manipulation of time and space within a landscape. My work creates multilayered images where the perceived reality of the original landscape is transformed.
What are your plans for the future?
To complete my PhD and continue teaching.
What is the best part of your job?
Teaching first year BA students of photography – I love their enthusiasm, their ingenuity and their creativity.
Any advice you would like to give to aspiring photographers?
Just keep going. It can be a long hard road but perseverance and good practice will pay off. And always keep your options open.