Organ Vida 2017 Open Call

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Saturday, April 1, 2017 - 23:45
Organ Vida 2017 Open Call

Organ Vida International Photography Festival invite you to submit your work under the theme 'New Citizens'. In this instalment of the festival, following on from examining Revelations, they are concerned with expanded and creative thinking around notions of New Citizen. They ask:  "Who or what are we as image-makers reflecting on the world in which we live? Where are our stories of unmapping, our stories of stories? How do we navigate this world of image and this world of World as people drawing from the toolset of communication? What is it like to be, now, as New Citizen in this, our time? What are our responsibilities, collectively and individually, to the world and to each other, in and towards a change of course? And what kind of boat can carry us together into the world of World that needs us less than ever?"

They are looking for work that is equipped with the power of language to show a voice of dissent, challenging and foraging against the very things that are made by systems in power to keep us divided. Asking for your views of a New Citizen that far extend the conventional understandings of its ‘origin-definition’ which is confined to state and city and town; they ask you to think citizen as a anywhere-human, beyond entitlement, nationality or allegiance to government. Showing counter-language; a new way of navigating what it means to be alive and to live in a (post)capitalist, climate-changed 21st Century world. Whatever your photographic approach may be, show Organ Vida new dialogues and new imaginaries.

Open Call fee is 30 €. Please, read the Open Call essay written by artist Katrin Koenning before submitting your work.

More information can be found here


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