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Monday, March 11, 2013 - 00:00

On 4-5 July 2013 the conference Visualising the Rural will take place at the University of Cumbria (Learning Gateway, Carlisle Campus Fusehill Street). Organised by staff of the photography department it aims to bring together theory and practice in rethinking rural space.

This conference aims to provide a platform for an interdisciplinary debate questioning the meaning of the contemporary rural landscape seen through photography. What does it mean to live in rural space? Does or can photography shape our understanding of the rural? What does the rural realm mean to the urban population? How do we view and evaluate rural depictions within the context of the wider contemporary art world?


Academics and practitioners are invited to present papers or illustrated talks about their work / projects / research.
Please submit abstracts of 200 - 400 words along with a short biographical note of no more than 200 words (pdf attachments).

Send submissions or queries to Katrin Joost

The deadline for submission is: Monday 11th March 2013

Suggested Themes:

Edgelands of the Countryside: Intersections between the Rural and the Urban
Rurality beyond the Pastoral Myth
Signs of the Rural – Connotations of Locality
The Conflict between Traditional Economies and Environmental Futures
Insistent Rift between the Rural and the Urban Realms
Rural Art – Cutting Edge or Provincial
The Countryside- The New Playground?

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