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Artist Anthony Luvera has collaborated with a group of young people aged 16-21 years to research self-portraiture. Taking Van Dyck’s self-portrait and the Gallery’s rich Collection of self-portraits as a starting point, the group explored themes including gender, class, race, identity and representation. They met and interviewed curators, archivists, and staff; discussed self-portraiture together and created illustrations, drawings and notes about their thoughts and reflections during the workshops. Together they responded by creating their own vlogs – short films in which they express their perspectives and ideas – and pose questions to engage other young people about self-portraiture. Throughout the Guide, it invites young people to share their creativity and ideas.

The Young People’s Guide to Self-Portraiture is a digital resource made by young people for young people. It was created as part of the National Portrait Gallery’s Heritage Lottery-funded project following the acquisition of Van Dyck’s final self-portrait.

Anthony Luvera is an artist, writer, and course director of MA Photography and Collaboration at Coventry University. Using photography, video, writing and sound, his practice involves collaborative approaches to making self-portraits and other forms of representation.

Read more about the project here

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