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Help Redeye set its programme by taking our 2013 survey. Completing the survey really helps us - we will use the information to decide what events and activities to deliver.

There are six great prizes on offer for those who complete the survey.

Please spare about 15 to 20 minutes of your time to complete it.

All information will only be used for Redeye's development purposes. We will not share your details with anyone. We may use your comments but they will not be attributed to you.

As a token of our appreciation we'll give out six great prizes picked at random from all surveys fully or mostly completed by 17 March 2013. They are:
• A voucher worth £100 to spend on any books published by the specialist photography publisher, Dewi Lewis - see
• Three vouchers worth £50 donated by Bob Books - see
• One free Redeye membership worth £50 (if you're already a member, we'll extend it by a year).
• A copy of the book "Frontlines" signed by Sean Smith, from Imperial War Museum North in connection with their forthcoming exhibition.

The winners will be contacted by 31 March 2013. You will need to fill in the majority of the questions to be eligible for a prize.

The survey is here:

Thank you!

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2024 Redeye The Photography Network