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The Royal Photographic Society with the University of Bolton and Chetham's Library present Photography and the Book symposium on Saturday 16 March 2013 at Chethams Library Manchester. There's a special discount price for Redeye members.

In recent years there has been rapid growth in the field of photo-books and with that considerable interest in the photo-book not only as a collectable artefact, but also as a preferred or alternative way of exhibiting and distributing photography. This symposium will discuss the historical context of the photo-book, the practicalities of getting published, the effects of self-publication and a consideration of whether the photo books are improving in quality and what makes a great photo-book. This symposium will feature four leading commentators on photography.


0930 - 1000 Registration

1000 - 1015 Introduction Ian Beesley & Michael Powell

1015 -1115 Colin Harding: Curator of Photographic technology NMM.The Historical development of the photobook from Fox Talbot to Tony Ray Jones.

1115 - 1130 Tea Break

1130 - 1230 Dewi Lewis: Publisher and curator of photography. The logistics of publishing, funding, and publisher selection.

1230 -1400 Lunch break

1400 - 1500 Chris Coekin: Photographer as publisher, why self publish, production decisions and how they connect to subject/ideas/inspiration.

1500 - 1600 Geoff Dyer: Author and critic, “The Ongoing Moment”; where the idea came from, the tradition it is part of, its problems and its themes

1600 - 1700 Panel discussion

1700 - 1900 Drinks reception, exhibition of photo books by MA photography graduates from the University of Bolton.

During the day they will be the opportunity to take tours of the library and exhibition 'Godlies, Merries and Pleasant Histories: the chapbook tradition 1731-2013'

There will also be an exhibition of contemporary photo-books.

£25 - Redeye Members, RPS Members and Students

£30 - Non members

Click the link to book.

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