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As part of the current exhibition at The Granary Gallery –‘Beyond the Border: New Contemporary Photography from Scotland’, Berwick Visual Arts in partnership with NEPN invites Document Scotland to explore the motivations, benefits and responsibilities of working collectively in the age of individualism.

Joined by Sophie Gerrard, Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert and Sarah Amy Fishlock of the collective who will present their own photographic work and discuss how working collectively can amplify the social and political impact of photography and its reach.

Programmed by Berwick Visual Arts in conjunction with the exhibition Beyond the Border: New Contemporary Photography from Scotland (11 February – 14 May 2017) at The Granary Gallery.

Beyond the Border is an Impressions Gallery Touring Exhibition curated by Anne McNeil' together with the Impressions Gallery.

Free, but places are limited and must be booked in advance, here.

More information can be found here

Photo Credit: Jon Richardson, known as Gaius Iulius Raeticus, Glasgow (detail), 2013 ©Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert / courtesy Impressions Gallery

Part of the Northern Summer of Photography - Find out more here.


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