On Saturday 29th of October, Redeye's Hothouse arrives in Newcastle upon Tyne for a free, daylong celebration of photography. It's a showcase of new talent and a hive of photographic activity and information. You're welcome to drop in for an hour or two, or stay for the whole event - butplease register to be sure of getting a place.
Get informal advice on your projects and career during 1-1s with specialists in photography. Our regular Critique Surgeries are a supportive and welcoming space to share your work and get feedback and inspiration for continuting to improve in every way.
This series will be conducted online for the foreseeable future as one-to-one Zoom meetings.
Feeling inspired during the lockdown, the influential British artist John Stezaker got started on a new body of work, one which is now on show at The Approach in London until the 26th March. Stezaker claims to have “rediscovered the pleasures of drawing” in these works. We encourage you to see the exhibition, Double Shadow, if you can but don't worry if not, there will still be lots to unpack.
Get informal advice on your projects and career during 1-1s with specialists in photography. Our regular Critique Surgeries are a supportive and welcoming space to share your work and get feedback and inspiration for continuting to improve in every way.
This series will be conducted online for the foreseeable future as one-to-one Zoom meetings.