24 September 2014 to 4 October 2014
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An exhibition in the dark - bring your own light. Blackout is an MA network group exhibition from students and lecturers of Manchester School of Art. Combining photography, fine art, sculpture, audio work and performance art, this exhibition eclectically explores ideas of place, history, politics and memory.

The Stockport Air Raid Shelters were originally opened in 1939 as the largest purpose-built civilian shelter in the country, able to provide a safe haven for up to 6,500 people. It was later reopened in 1996 as a museum and visitor attraction.

Adding to the sensory experience and the interactivity of the show, the exhibition is installed within the unused and unlit areas of Stockport Air Raid Shelter tunnels. Bring your own light.

All are welcome to the opening night: 24th September, 17:00 to 21:00. Refreshments served.

Please note that although there is normally an admission charge for the venue, if you mention that you are there for the Blackout exhibition, we are told that you should be let in free.

Images top to bottom: Jana Liggett-Wright, Iann Ivy, Andrea Zapp.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
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